Charter & Working Groups

Our Charter guides how we make decisions, and can be read here.

Below is a list of our Working Groups. If you’re interested in joining any, reach out through or on our Discord.

Working GroupProject
Adopt-A-StopConnect with Metro and Community volunteers to adopt Bus stops and keep them clean on behalf of STLU.
Book ClubSchedule, plan, and facilitate a monthly book club for urbanist and urbanist-adjacent books.
BrandingManage our branding assets, produce designs for merchandise, stickers, decals, and other branding materials.
Bus Bike BrunchSchedule and plan a monthly brunch social that encourages the usage of public transit.
CITY SC Bike BusCoordinate a beginner-friendly bike bus to support biking to and from St. Louis City SC home games during the 2024 season and beyond
CohesionKeep in touch with each WG by communicating with members and attending meetings, facilitate cross-WG communication and collaboration, help struggling WGs find new members or re-align with their projects.
Community MeetingSchedule, plan, facilitate, and note-take on the monthly Community meeting. Facilitate and collect voting from absent Core Group members on proposals.
DiscordModerate and organize the Discord community to keep it a friendly and open space for primarily urbanist discussion.
NewsletterPrepare and deliver the monthly newsletter.
Public EngagementSpread awareness of and encourage members to attend public hearings and feedback meetings
Social MediaManage our social media presence.
Social RidePlan a monthly social bike ride accessible to a wide variety of skills
Web ResourcesRun, manage, and update the website, meetup, google drive, and google calendar.