We are the St. Louis Urbanists!

We’re a grassroots advocacy group working to create safer and more effective infrastructure for pedestrians, bicycle users, transit riders, and even car drivers in the St. Louis region. We promote better urban design through community-building, education, political advocacy, and direct action.


Come hang out at one of our meetups! We generally have 4-6 regular events every month. For more info, check out our Meetup page.


Join our Discord server here. We have over 900 members, where we discuss transportation, urban design, local politics, and organize our projects.


Volunteer with us on one of our advocacy projects! We’re building bus benches, surveying local politicians, organizing letter-writing campaigns, and more!

Regular Monthly Events


Join BusBikeBrunch for a friendly brunch and discussion about how we can make St. Louis a more livable city. Attendees are encouraged to walk, bike, or take public transit to the event.

BusBikeBrunch is scheduled for the first Sunday of every month, usually around noon, and is paired with our Social Bike Rides.

Space for these events are sometimes limited, please RSVP on Meetup so we can make a large enough reservation at the restaurant.

Urbanist Book Club

The Urbanist Book Club meets monthly to discuss and learn together about excellent urbanist books. To find out more information on the book club, send us an email at stlurbanist@gmail.com.

Space for these events are limited, please RSVP on Meetup.

Social Bike Rides

A casual (~1 hour), bike ride open to riders of all abilities. Our focus is on socializing with other urbanists as we explore different bike trails in the St. Louis region.

Social Bike Rides are scheduled for the first Sunday of each month, usually around 10:30am, and are generally followed by a BusBikeBrunch event.

Monthly Meetings

On the second Thursday of each month from 6-7:30pm, we get together for a general meeting to discuss updates, plan our next goals, and socialize with other members. Everyone is free to join for these meetings. We have both in-person and online options for joining.

See our meetup page for details & upcoming meetings.

Event Calendar

This calendar shows official St. Louis Urbanists Events (in red), events by other local groups (in green), and official government events (in blue).

Want to add your event to our calendar? Contact us at stlurbanist@gmail.com